Support the Cathedral

St Peter’s Cathedral is not just a historic monument. It is also a place of worship whose light shines far beyond the confines of Geneva, one that is visited by tens of thousands of people, from tourists to pilgrims, every year.
The building is owned by the Protestant Church of Geneva. Its restoration and upkeep have been entrusted to a private law foundation created by the owner and the parish: the Foundation of the Keys of St Peter.
Created in 1973, the Foundation of the Keys of St Peter conducted several very important restoration campaigns in the late 20th century. Today, it continues to take charge of the conservation, maintenance, heating and cleaning of the building, the recruitment of guards and the opening of the towers and the archaeological site to visitors. Its annual operating budget stands at almost 800,000 Swiss Francs, with only a quarter of that amount financed by state subsidies. Moreover, it is incumbent upon it to find funding for major restoration work, and for the upkeep of the façades, for improving the acoustics and lighting, getting the best out of the visitor pathway, etc., the cost of which is estimated to be several million Swiss Francs.
To accomplish these many tasks, the Foundation of the Keys of St Peter needs everyone - the residents of Geneva and foreign visitors too.
Bank account:
Foundation of the Keys of St Peter
Cantonal Bank of Geneva
No R1740.03.21
IBAN CH19 0078 8000 R174 0032 1
Donations are tax deductible.